Take a look at some of the show features taking place at The Restaurant Show 2024 at the NEC, Birmingham from 29 April - 01 May 2024. 



Chefs’ Stage will be dedicated to showcasing, educating and inspiring chefs with the latest ingredients and techniques embracing the industry. Chef’s Stage theatre in partnership with Restaurant will include workshops and masterclasses with leading UK chefs who will also host mentoring sessions aimed at inspiring the next generation of UK chefs.




Alongside Chefs' Stage, William Reed is investing in a multi-channel content strategy that will flow through The Restaurant Show. Restaurant Stage will give visitors access to data, insight, panels, presentations, demonstrations and workshops, delivered by industry leaders, covering the latest trends impacting the UK hospitality market.



Roasters Village 

Delve into the Roasters Village, pulling an exclusive mix of the continents’ best roasters into the buzz of The Restaurant Show.


Please click here if you are interested in exhibiting at The Restaurant Show this year.