In the run up to the UK Food & Drink Shows 2024, we’ve been sitting down with some of our key speakers attending this year! Join us as we explore the stories behind the speakers, discovering the motivations that fuel their work, the challenges they've overcome, and the lessons they've learned along the way.

First up is Emma McClarkin OBE, Chief Executive at British Beer and Pub Association.


Years working in the food and drink sector?
4 years as CEO of the BBPA, over 14 years as a former politician and a lifetime as a Pub goer!


First job in food and drink?
Representing the Beer & Pub Sector as Chief Executive


How do you describe your job to your friends?
I have the best job in the world representing the brewers and pubs I love.


If you could change one thing about the sector, what would it be?
That Hospitality would be given the recognition it deserves for the huge contribution it makes to our country.


You’re joining us for a session focusing on the challenges facing the industry and the support available at the show in April, what can our visitors expect from it?
2024 is a big year politically. No doubt the panel will have lively views on our challenges and the support we need to face them to take advantage of the many opportunities that lie ahead. And positivity! Despite the challenges this is going to be a great year for the sector.


Finally, if you could go back in time and speak to a younger version of yourself, what is one piece of advice you would give them?
The one I have followed. Nothing is impossible (Charlie & the Chocolate Factory)


For more information on the sessions Emma will be featuring on, click here.


UKFDS 2025

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